8 Şubat 2010 Pazartesi
Microphone Pass-through Emulator 1.3.1
Microphone Pass-through Emulator is designed for the newer sound cards that the direct playback from microphone to speaker is disabled, such as Realtek HD sound cards. This means you cannot hear what you speak to your mic from your speaker. This playback feature is a very important or must-have for some applications like Karaoke software or sound mixing programs. Without this feature, you have to spend a lot of money and time to setup a big system with an extra mixer. This program pass the input from microphone through your speakers directly in background to emulate playback features. You can control the output volume and an option to load other programs after running. Thus, using this program is very handy and save you money. Give Microphone Pass-through Emulator a try to see what its all about!Advanced Microphone Pass-Through/Playback Emulator for Newer Sound Cards