FMS File Size allows users to get a visual representation of their files and folders, so as to locate the space hogs with ease.This software can generate reports detailing the contents of folders, file extension types and filenames.
8 Haziran 2012 Cuma
19 Kasım 2011 Cumartesi
SimplePics is a simple application that you can use to take desktop screenshots. If you want to take a screenshot of the entire screen, simply enable the Max checkbox. Alternatively, you can choose a position and adjust the capture dimensions so as to take a screenshot of a certain region of the screen.
22 Eylül 2011 Perşembe
25 Temmuz 2011 Pazartesi
Coollector 3.02
Coollector Movie Database is a unique type of program thats useful even for the movie lovers who dont own many videos. Yes, you can manage your video collection, with lots of details. But you can also remember all the movies youve seen, how much you liked them, the movies you wish to see, etc... Discovering new movies of interest is as simple as going to your favorite actors/directors, inspecting their movies you havent seen, and using our rating and fame meters to know if those movies are good or bad, popular or obscure. Coollector Movie Database is much fun to use, because you dont start with some dull empty database. On the contrary, the program includes a huge encyclopedia of movies & series, combined with a database of existing videos. You download... you have all that ! Now, all that remains for you to do, is to personalize that data, by rating the movies and persons, marking the videos you own, those you loaned, etc... Coollector is a great tool, a piece of software like no other and child-play to use.A mix between an encyclopedia of movies, a video collection manager and a store catalog
31 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
All My Books 2.2 Build 1124
Is there a perfect electronic home library in existence? All My Books is close to becoming the perfect librarian. Organizing your bookshelves into a convenient library that is easy to browse and to search, All My Books is a library and the librarian in one tool. The All My Books application will load all information from online sources in a matter of seconds.Group and browse your collection of books by title, author or publisher, or run a quick search by any field. You can even define your own fields to label the books, such as comments or memos, and search them later. What use would be an electronic book organizer if you had to spend hours to catalogue your entire collection? All My Books does not ask you about every little detail about the book. Instead, it implements a revolutionary way to create and organize your collection. No longer must you type information about every book by hand! Just enter the books title or ISBN number from the back of the book, and All My Books will retrieve the rest of the data automatically from the Internet. Missing a book? You might have loaned it out a while ago, but can you remember who borrowed the book from you and when? All My Books tracks the books from your collection with the built-in loaner manager. Giving a book away? Just put a quick note on who took it, and All My Books will record the date automatically. Even better, All My Books will remind you of that book when the time comes! With the loaner manager, youll be able to stay tuned on who took your books and when. You will never lose a loaned book again. Do you have your collection organized elsewhere? All My Books imports and exports book databases in Excel and CSV format, making data entry into and out of All My Books a snap.Organize your bookshelves with an electronic librarian
20 Ocak 2011 Perşembe
Firebird PHP Generator Professional
Firebird PHP Generator Professional is a powerful tool for creating database-driven web applications visually. It allows you to generate high-quality PHP scripts for working with Firebird tables, views and queries through the web. Users will not be required any programming background to work with Firebird PHP Generator Professional.A Firebird GUI frontend that allows you to generate high-quality PHP scripts
13 Ocak 2011 Perşembe
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